Medieval Costumes by Marto Swords for sale. Luxury knight costumes and medieval clothes, suits and uniforms. Costumes of Knight Orders: Templar, Hospitaller, St. James, Calatrava and Teutonic costumes. Medieval suits, cloaks and tunics of the famous knights.
Knight Templar Costume. Templar knight tunic and cloak. Medieval costume of Templar knight order. Luxury medieval knight costume from Toledo, Spain. Red Templar cross on the white background.
Hospitaller Knight Costume. Hospitaller knight tunic and cloak. Medieval dress of Knights Hospitaller, Knights of St. John, Maltese knights or Knights of Rhodes. White Hospitaller cross on the black background.
Teutonic Knight Costume. Medieval costume of the Teutonic order. Luxury medieval knight costume from Toledo, Spain. Teutonic cross.
Saint James Knight Costume. Knight tunic and cloak. Medieval costume of Santiago knight order. Luxury medieval knight costume from Toledo, Spain.
Calatrava Knight Costume. Caltrava knight tunic and cloak. Medieval costume of Calatrava knight order. Luxury medieval knight costume from Toledo, Spain. Black color, red Calatrava cross.
Templar Knight Tunic. White tunic of Templar order with Red cross fo the Knights Templar. Part of Templar costume.
Hospitaller Knight Cloak. part of a Hospitaller costume. Black Hospitaller cloak with the White Hospitaller cross (Cross of St. John, Maltese cross). Medieval costumes.
Teutonic Knight Cloak. Part of Teutonic costume. White knight cloak with the Black Teutonic cross. Luxury medieval costumes.
Saint James Knight Cloak. Part of Knight of St. James costume. White cloak with St. James Cross. Medieval costumes of famous Knight Orders.
Calatrava Knight Cloak. Part of Calatrava Templar knight costume. Black knight cloak with Calatrava Cross. Medieval costumes of knight orders.
King Arthur Costume. Medieval costume of the famous king of Camelot and symbol of the medieval knights. Luxury Knight tunic with Three crowns - coat of arms of King Arthur.
Richard The Lionheart Costume. Luxury red tunic of KIng Richard, famous crusader King of England. Coat of Arms of Richard: Three English lions.